Our day at preschool:
After children arrive in the morning we will have circle time where we talk, sing and sign about being together, the weather and the days of the week. This structured time supports their routine as well as preparing them for school.
We have recently introduced our daily dance, an opportunity to get moving and warmed up for the day and just dance like no ones watching.
Following on from this there is access to adult-led activities as well as free choice activities and play. Some children may be taken in small groups to do some more focused activities to support their learning journeys.
The outside areas will be open with a choice of free flow play alongside rolling snack time.
Around 11:30am children are encouraged to work together to tidy ready for singing and story time leading up to lunch time.
Lunch time is 12pm-1pm.
Lunch is followed by free flow play and then around 2.30pm the children are again encouraged to help tidy ready for singing and story time before home time.
We are so lucky to have some lovely walks close by as well as some wooded areas which are great for exploring. We try to take the children out regularly to provide these additional experiences and opportunities.